Virtual Summer Camp

For High school + Middle School

And Virtually anyone who wants to relive those years at hume 🙂

When is Virtual Camp?

Virtual Camp premieres are over, but you can still experience all of it as an individual, with your family, or with your youth group on our Camp Kajabe page! Watch it over the course of a week, a month, or binge-watch it in a single day!

What is it?

Virtual Camp is similar to the online church format where you can join us for chapel sessions that recreate the Hume experience. Whether you’re at home or meeting with your church youth group, we’re bringing Hume to you! With chapels hosted by our Camp Directors, you’ll get to participate in worship, watch theme videos, and hear from Hume speakers. Our heart is to serve you and your youth group to the best of our ability during this unique time.

What’s Included?

Speakers and Worship

Main Speaker

Jonny Ardavanis

Main Speaker

Christopher Hilken


Caity Jean Ardavanis

Caity Jean

Also Featuring


Erik Thoennes

Dr. Erik Thoennes


Ron Brown


Megan Fate Marshman




Brooks Buser


For All Seasons


Darin McWatters

Darin McWatters


During this unique time, our goal with Virtual Camp is to bring the Hume camp experience to the local church through an online platform.

Depending on your county/state regulations, Virtual Camp can be experienced either by an individual student at home, as a family, with your small group, or as a youth group at church. Virtual Camp can be viewed on your phone, computer, or even on the big screen! Another part of the Virtual Camp experience is our social media recreation challenges. Be sure to check our Instagram @humelake throughout the Virtual Camp week to find out the #HumeRecChallenge of the day!

Virtual Camp is aimed at middle school, high school, and young adults. That said, we think you’ll love this at virtually any age! (See what we did there?)

We do think you should use your discretion if you have children in elementary school and younger as the material may not resonate.

YES! On August 2, we open up the corral gates and let loose Wagon Train at the Homestead! We provide six days-worth of media (with theme skits, teaching from Wagonmaster Chip, and more) for you to ride the range at whatever pace you desire! Once a night? Once a week? You decide!

And yes, this is also FREE. 🙂

Tune in at 7:00 PM every night from Sunday, July 12th through Thursday, July 16th for our chapel sessions! Then, after each session check Instagram @humelake for our daily social media recreation challenges!

Using the Church Online Platform, we are releasing the Virtual Camp chapel sessions each night at 7:00 PM from Sunday, July 12, through Thursday, July 16.

Chapel sessions are about 40 minutes long. There is one chapel session released per day for a total of five sessions throughout the week of Virtual Camp. Our hope is that students watch each Virtual Camp session and then engage in a time of “cabin discussion” with their church youth groups, small group leaders, or families. Depending on state/county regulations, these “cabin discussions” may be done virtually or in-person.

Depending on state/county regulations, some youth groups may gather together and others may be participating online. We hope that youth pastors, small group leaders, families, and students can be creative throughout the week of Virtual Camp!

Here are some ideas:

  • Watch together as a youth group at church!
  • As a small group, watch at a different person’s house each night!
  • Plan pool parties, pizza parties, and/or bonfires for before or after each chapel session!
  • After each session, have virtual cabin times via various online platforms!
  • As a family, plan to watch chapel sessions each night after dinner!

Use the “Register Today!” button on this page! Once you have completed the form, you will then receive an email confirming your registration. Once Virtual Camp is all ready to go, you will receive another email with a link to the Church Online Platform to view each chapel session every night at 7:00 PM from Sunday, July 12, through Thursday, July 16.

Nope, it’s absolutely FREE! 🙂

By registering, it means you will soon be sent a link to the Church Online Platform that will host our Virtual Camp. If you are planning on experiencing Virtual Camp together as a youth group, you only need to register once. Students can register individually and then they will receive the Church Online Platform link as well. Whether you’re watching from church or home, our hope is that many students, families, and youth ministries are able to experience our Virtual Camp week, ultimately allowing the gospel to be heard!

The topical seminars are in video format and will appear on the Virtual Camp webpage during the week of Virtual Camp. We hope these seminars serve as resources that promote further discussion among students, small group leaders, youth pastors, and families.


Camp Kajabe - Troop 46 logo

About the Virtual “Camp Kajabe” Theme

During this unique season, our goal with Camp Kajabe is to cultivate a greater affection for, and a greater priority of, the local church. On the surface, this theme might just seem like theological pillars of the church (covenant of redemption, gospel, mission, spiritual gifts, heaven), which in many ways is true. However, our heart is that you will hear of God’s love for the church and for you in the gospel. We pray the natural outcome is a passion that leads you to proclaim Christ to the corners of the globe, using your gifting in the body of Christ, and an excitement for the church’s destiny of heaven.

Theme Verse

Ephesians 2:19-22

“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”

Experience Virtual Camp Today!

Cost: FREE!

Can I host Virtual Camp for my group?

Yes—Host Your Own for FREE!

To best support your youth group, we would like to provide you with full access to our content with additional resources to run your own “chapel sessions” at a time of your choosing. We’re excited to see you be creative as you choose to use this content for your own camp or a weekly teaching series.

This will include:
Camp Kajabe theme videos
“Speaker Guide” that outlines our message notes that coincides with each episode
Written devotional resources
Additional seminar videos on various topics

Free Self-Hosted Virtual Camp

Please fill out all fields below


Reach out to us at [email protected]

Jonny Ardavanis


Jonny Ardavanis is the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and the Host of the Dial In podcast. Jonny is passionate about people growing in their love for Jesus Christ as they grow in their love and obedience to God’s Word. Jonny is married to Caity and they have one daughter named Lily.

Chris Hilken


Chris Hilken is a husband, father of 5, and the lead pastor of College Ave Church in San Diego. He is also a professor of systematic theology and apologetics. He is passionate about teaching the Word of God so that we can know, love, and follow the real Jesus.

Caity Jean


As a worship leader, Caity Jean Ardavanis’ heart is that the students would understand the truth that they are singing. She is passionate about communicating the gospel through song, word, and deed. She is eager to use God’s Word to share that we do not worship God solely through songs and melodies, but by offering our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to Him. This is our true and proper worship (Rom.12:1). Leading worship alongside students is one of her greatest joys.

Dr. Erik Thoennes


Erik Thoennes is a Professor of Theology at Biola University and a pastor at Grace EVFree, La Mirada. He was voted Professor of the Year twice and was awarded the Faculty Excellence Award by his colleagues at Biola University. He is the author of “Life’s Biggest Questions: What the Bible Says About the Things that Matter Most,” and “Biblical and Theological Studies: A Student’s Guide,” Erik and his wife Donna have four children and love the people and ministry of Hume Lake!

Ron Brown


Ron is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Sports, member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Hall of Champions, and a former Nebraska FCA Director. Ron is Director of Player Development for the University of Nebraska football team. He spent 24 seasons as an assistant coach at Nebraska while they won three national championships. You can find his videos and Bible studies at and

Megan Fate Marshman


Megan Fate Marshman loves God and delights in overflowing His awesome love to others. She leads the Women’s Ministry at Hume Lake, shepherds young adults at Arbor Road Church, and shares Jesus around the world. Megan currently lives in Long Beach, CA with her family.

Temitope Peters

Worship Leader

TEMITOPE (Teh-ME-toh-PEH) is an artist and educator based out of Nashville, TN. “Temitope” originates from the Yorùbá tribe in Nigeria, and means “mine is thanks.” He was raised in a multicultural home by his Nigerian and British immigrant parents, and as such, understands the importance of reconciliation. His songs communicate God has created each of us to uniquely reflect His heart. By standing together with our differences, instead of standing against each other, we experience more of God.

Brooks Buser


Brooks graduated from San Diego Christian College. After graduation, he worked in finance and as the CFO for a Dutch multinational. He and his wife, Nina, eventually felt the Scriptures leading them to work with an unreached people group. In 2003 they left for the country of Papua New Guinea and spent 13 years church-planting among the Yembiyembi people. In 2016 they finished the New Testament translation and returned to San Diego. Brooks was named president of Radius International in late 2016.

For All Seasons


Our hearts are simple: We desire to live a life of worship throughout every circumstance. We want to live out the Gospel both on and off stage. We want to be a people who continuously choose joy. We don’t want to be wavered by the things of this world. We want to stand firm in who we are in Christ. We want to worship Jesus not for what He offers but for who He is.

Darin McWatters


Darin McWatters is the Lead Shepherd at Fullerton Free Church. Prior to his current role, Darin served as pastor of Teaching and Mission at Arbor Road Church, teaching and campus pastor at Rockharbor Church in Costa Mesa, Program Director and Founder of the Joshua Wilderness Institute at Hume Lake Christian Camps, and lead singer of the Christian band Everybodyduck. He talks fast and most of his jokes make sense. He is also bald and has been for many years.

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