Winter Camp Administrator Info

Hume SoCal

Looking for the Winter Camp Overview?

We’re so excited to have your students come to Hume SoCal Winter Camp! Below is all the pertinent information you’ll need, including all required registration forms. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Counselor Requirement:

We would like to remind you that California law requires all counselors and youth workers to be live-scanned and mandated reporter trained. It is your legal responsibility to ensure that you and your counselors have completed this prior to your arrival.


Please thoroughly read and respond to the following information. Please download or complete each section below. The sections are in order by the due date, just work your way down! 

We’ve also created printable Reminder Sheets to help you remember the important dates leading up to your week of camp.

Deposit and Payment Information

Please download this schedule of deposit and payment dates for your reference.

Detailed Instructions to Make Payment

  • Go to our website: Login Page
  • Sign in using your email address and password 
  • Select Registrations 
  • Select Make Payment 
  • The deposit amount will be shown at the bottom where it says Payment Amount on the due date.
    Checks can be sent to:
    Hume Christian Camp
    Attention: Registration
    32355 Green Valley Lake Road
    P.O. Box 8560
    Green Valley Lake, CA 92341

    If you do pay with a check, please scan a copy and email it to [email protected] so we know it is coming! 

Final Balance

To pay by Visa/MasterCard, log into your Online Account to complete this process. Please note that using this form of payment will result in an additional charge of 3% of your paid amount. If you plan to pay by check, you may mail payment to the Hume office. To find your remaining balance, log into your Online Account and click “View All Statements.”

Winter Camp Deposit & Cancellation Policy 

  • A non-refundable deposit in the amount of $35/person must be received in order to confirm your registration. 
  • The second non-refundable deposit of $100/person (totaling $135/person) is due 60 days prior to the event check-in day. 
  • The remaining balance is due no later than four weeks prior to the event check-in day. 
  • If the registration is canceled or changed for any reason after initial signup or any deposit is made, the attendee agrees that the full deposit per person will be forfeited.
5 Weeks Before Camp

Online Roster
Required: YES.
Due: 5 weeks before camp.
Follow these instructions for the greatest success.
▸ LOG-IN To Your Account

4 Weeks Before Camp

Final Count Form
Required: YES.
Due: 4 weeks before camp.
Login to your account to complete the final count form. 

Insurance Certificate Form
Required: YES.
Due: 4 weeks before camp.
Login to your account to view and download the Hume Insurance Certificate Form.

** If submitted after the deadline, a $50 charge will be assessed.**

2 Weeks Before Camp

Campership Application
Required: Only if the student in need is wanting to submit a request.
Due: 2 weeks before camp
Parents are able to complete a Campership application for their student(s) during their online registration process. As the group administrator, you can see who applied and how much was awarded through your online account.

24 Hours Before Camp

Health Screening Form  

Required: YES. 

Important: Must be completed within 24 hours of arriving at camp. Please designate one (1) licensed professional (Doctor, Nurse, PA, or NP) to ask screening questions, take temperature and sign each form.  

Due: At check-in upon arrival. 

▸ DOWNLOAD Health Screening Form 

Final Details

Camper Medication at Arrival

You can locate your church’s Medication Administration Record (MAR) from your Online Account. This is a list of medications you should expect to collect. Please collect ALL medications, vitamins and supplements, except epi-pens, rescue inhalers & diabetic supplies. (Don’t worry if it’s not listed on the MAR, we can add it at camp!) All medication needs to be in its original container & in a Ziploc bag. Write your church name & each student’s name in Sharpie on the bag. You’ll turn medications into our health center staff at check-in when you arrive, so please collect medications before campers load up into vehicles.

Camper Medication at Departure

Your group’s medications will need to be picked up by a group admin at the medication station at breakfast on the last day. We are not able to mail medication left behind to the churches or individuals. If any medications are left behind, the Health Center will call the group leader to arrange for them to be picked up.

Sick Camper Policy

Campers who feel ill while at camp, and are brought to the health center by their youth leader, will be evaluated for a fever and other contagious symptoms. If a camper is found to have a fever in excess of 100.4 and have potentially contagious symptoms, they will be isolated at the health center until the fever is gone for 24 hours without any anti-fever medication in their system, and their symptoms are improved. If symptoms persist or temperature goes above 102, then arrangements will need to be made to have the camper picked up from camp by a parent or guardian in the shortest time frame possible. If the 24 hour isolation period would exceed the time remaining in camp, a parent or guardian will be responsible for the pick up of the camper in the shortest time frame possible.

Sick Camper Transportation

It is imperative that parents are aware of this policy and are ready to pick up their camper in the case where they become sick and potentially contagious. Hume does not recommend transporting sick campers home in the same bus or vehicle that is being used to transport healthy students. In the event of serious injury or a life-threatening emergency, Hume will assist with the transportation of campers, but we strongly urge all churches to have an additional vehicle on site for the medical transportation of campers in non-emergency situations or due to illness.

Getting Here

Winter Driving & Snow Chains

When driving in the mountains with any icy or snowy conditions, you are required to carry chains or cables in your vehicle at all times. There are several ways up to Hume SoCal which means snow chains may be required to be installed on one highway and not the other, so you should always carry chains in your vehicle during the winter months, even if your car has snow tires. You may be subject to a ticket and can be denied passage without chains in your vehicle. 

R1 Chain Control Sign

State law requires ALL vehicles (including 4WD and AWD) to carry tire chains or cables when entering chain-control zones. All vehicles must have chains or cables that fit properly and are in good repair. Signs will be posted along the road indicating the type of requirement (R1, R2, R3). Please pay attention as these indicate when you need to install the chains on your vehicle.

Caltrans provides this Winter Driving Guide to make your winter driving experience safe and pleasant. If you’ve never driven in winter weather before, be sure to check this out and share it with your drivers.

If you are chartering a bus, we highly recommend that you make them aware of these requirements and check that they have chains for their vehicles and know how to use them before you travel.

Map and Directions

When you arrive, follow signs for Church Check-In. Our staff will help direct you.

Check out our Winter Campus Map for help getting around once you’re here!

Check-In at Hume

Check-In at Hume

This is for church administrators, pastors, or leaders who will have the required paperwork, medications, and payment for the church.

When you arrive, follow the signs for Check-in. 

Check-in Location: The Welcome Center

Check-in Begins: 4:00 PM

Church Resources and Training

Health and Safety Information

At Hume we care about providing the highest level of healthcare to our campers and staff. Check out this important info for everything you need to know about health and safety while at camp.

Counselor Guidebooks

We believe the counselors that you bring with your church are a key part of this ministry. We’ve created these resources for them to learn about their responsibilities as counselors. Please have them read this Counselor Guidebook carefully before coming to camp. 

Hume Media Guidelines

Shooting Photo and Video For Your Church

We love partnering with our local churches and want to make your camp experience the best! With that in mind, we have a few guidelines for capturing media at camp that we want you to be aware of. Our heart behind this guide is to help keep our campers safe and minimize distractions so that the gospel can clearly be proclaimed and received.

Churches are welcome to bring their own photographers and videographers to camp. We only ask you to keep a few things in mind:

• Please give Hume Media Staff the “right of way” at all times. We ask that you do not impede their shot to get your own.
• It is important that you do not become a hindrance or distraction to programmed events. Please stay off stages, out of the middle of recreation, and out of any “staff only” areas.
• Feel free to use anything we post online for your church’s promotional purposes. Please do not ask our Hume Media Staff for any special photo or video favors or any unedited photos or video clips. If you have any special requests, you may email [email protected]
• You may not fly drones at any time while at camp.
• To the best of your ability, please only take photos or videos of students who belong to your church.
• Hume and our staff are not responsible for any damage or misplacement of camera gear. Please bring any equipment at your discretion.

Thank you so much for abiding by these guidelines this winter! We truly value your partnership as we minister to youth together for the sake of the gospel.

Winter Camp Booklets

Below is the digital copy of the Winter Camp counselor booklets. Every counselor will receive a printed copy at the first counselor meeting on the first night of camp. In it you will find a camp schedule, the rules of camp, a camp map, other important info about your weekend of camp, as well as devotionals and cabin discussion questions.

Download the Winter Camp Counselor Booklet

Winter Camp Tips & Tricks for Youth Leaders

Camp Theme Information

Learn more about the theme and spiritual direction and download promotional materials for camp at Hume this winter.

Winter Camp Theme - Agapolis
Winter Camp Theme Agapolis

About the Winter Camp Theme

Spiritual Direction

This winter, we will walk through 1 John 4:7-12 to discover the truth about love. In a world that has distorted what love truly means, we look to Scripture for the foundational definition of love. 

Creative Direction

For this winter camp season, our creative theme title is called Agapolis. Through an Ancient Greek animation, we will communicate the story of Biblical love; God is the author of love who demonstrated His love for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
This perfect, sacrificial, and unconditional love is called Agape love. In our animated story, the God of love, Agape, creates Agapolis as a place for His love to flourish. Unfortunately, His love is rejected and forgotten until one character questions the way the citizens of Agapolis have selfishly distorted the love of Agape. 

Theme Overview

As we enter into the winter season, we tend to be more attuned to spreading good tidings of great joy, peace, hope, and love. While we might say and hear these words more often during this time of year, do we understand the truth behind them?

This winter camp season, we are eager to walk students through 1 John 4:7-12 in order to discover the truth about love. In a world that has distorted what love truly means, we look to Scripture for the foundational definition of love. While the world has reduced the definition of love to mediocre acceptance, casual preference, and even based on conditions, the love of God is infinite, unfathomable, and unconditional. The reality is that God Himself is love.

When we believe and receive the truth of God’s love for us through Jesus, we are compelled to love God and respond in obedience to His Word. By abiding in God’s love for us, we learn how to love others with grace and truth. Our hope this winter is that students learn the truth about the joy, peace, hope, and love that can only come through the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. 

Theme Verse

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”

1 John 4:7-12

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