
You Found A Duck!

Here at Hume Christian Camps we love to have fun, but even more than that we want you to know Jesus and the Gospel.

Want to see what the Gospel At Play looks like at camp?
Check out this video!


God Created Everything.
He Created Us.

We rebelled and turned away from Him.Romans 3:23

God is Just.
God’s punishment for rebellion is death and judgment, separation from Him.

God is love and wants us to be with Him.
He sent Jesus to become a man, live a perfect life and take the punishment we deserve.
He died so that we can live.Romans 5:6-8

Jesus didn’t stay dead!
God raised Jesus to life.Luke 24:5-6

He conquered death, giving us forgiveness and new, full life! John 10:10

He is returning to rule and judge the world.

He invites you to believe in Him and to follow Him to enjoy abundant, eternal life.

What do you think?

Do you believe Jesus is who he says he is?

(The book of John in the Bible is a great place to start if you’re still unsure about Him!)

Have more questions?

We'd love to talk with you!

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Hume Christian Camps and Retreats

Join us for an amazing

Summer at Hume

We’ve opened our lodges and cabins to families and couples! Come up the mountain to worship, hear the Word, and spend time playing together in God’s creation. It’s the best place to be this summer!

Virtual Summer Camp 2020

Missing camp? Try our

Virtual Camp

We’re bringing Hume to you! With chapels hosted by our Camp Directors, you’ll get to participate in worship, play “virtual Rec” games, watch theme videos, and hear from Hume speakers. You don’t want to miss this!

We need help this summer!


As you know, things are a bit different at Hume this summer. The good news? The Lord has made it possible for us to shine His light in some wonderful ways, and we really need your help to make it happen!

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